Sunsweet is the world’s largest and most famous brand of dried tree fruits including prunes, apricots, mangos, and more. Sunsweet Growers Inc. a grower-owned cooperative represents more than 25% of the prune market worldwide. We process nearly 60,000 tons of famous Sunsweet Prunes a year!
Founded in 1917 as the California Prune and Apricot Growers Association, our cooperative served as a marketing group to offer our crops to the public under the brand name “Sunsweet”. This allowed us to offer prunes to the mainstream market by combining production capabilities and marketing communication. Today, Sunsweet processes and markets the dried fruit production of nearly 250 grower-members with orchards throughout California’s central valley. After 100 years, we’re proud to say that Sunsweet is one of the top American brands, trusted by our loyal customers.
Our Yuba City, California headquarters is also home to the world’s largest dried tree fruit processing plant, with the highest product quality standards anywhere. Each day, an average of 40,000 cases of Sunsweet products are sealed and marked for worldwide distribution. Sunsweet also holds a bottling facility in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania for its juice products.